the answer

Up and down my legs
Snaking up my spine
Coursing through my arms
Filtering out my phalanges
I just want to keep feeling
And also I want to avoid
And numb
And pretend I’m detached
from these other organisms
I want so badly
to speed up this process
Why can’t my body
keep up with my brain?
Why does it hold on
to so much
I try to tell it:
“Hurry up, you know the answer
It’s written in the back of the book”
My body looks and finds it
and fills in the “right” answer on the
homework assignment
But it still does not fully comprehend
the complex math.
My brain “knows” the “answers”
My body says, “slooow down”
Just be.
My brain isn’t used to letting
my body take charge, it
likes to be in command.
But the body is patient and persistent
and now the brain finally sees
the wisdom of the body
and will – at least try –
to release