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goal intake

When I started at treatment
they asked me at intake
(and many times after)
“What is your goal
for your time here?”

I remember thinking
that the question itself was
For so long I was in a
from which I could not
see my way out

How could I possibly have a goal
when the depression blanketed

I remember my response:
“I want to live
in the present moment”
Hoping that someday I would
make my way there
(or, rather, here)

I had no idea where I was going
clumsily feeling around
trying not to trip over anything
(I tripped many times)

All of a sudden, today
I realized that I’m mostly in
the here and now
My senses activated and alive
Finding joy in small corners
   a little strawberry poking up
   a toddler cuddle on a bed of clover
   a song I haven’t heard in years
   that perfectly fits the scene

That loud, ruminating voice
that overpowered me
Has quieted.

Of all years
I’m grateful that this one
brings with it a double reminder
of looking for joy
I embrace the invitation to 
seek pleasure
I follow the “yes” in my body
Its presence all the more welcome
after sooo much

my PTSD brain pushes through
the terrifying thought
of living life from
a place of vulnerability

I let go of knowing what the future holds
and open my heart wide
to whatever there is and will be.

collection plant illustration